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The Kansas Drug Rehabilitation Is A Dual-Licensed, Dual Accredited Internationally Recognized Treatment Center.

The Kansas Rehabilitation Model

Over 30 Years of Leadership in Integrative Behavioral Health

Kansas Drug Rehabilitation: Helping one at Time!

Find your path with Kansas Rehabilitation .

For over 30 years, the caring and skilled staff at Kansas Drug Rehabilitation has been dedicated to clinical excellence and providing compassionate and effective treatment for all of the men and women who are entrusted into our care. Recommended by doctors and therapists across the world, we are recognized for providing safe and successful treatment for those who are struggling with addiction and a wide range of complex behavioral health disorders. Since 1983, our renowned programs have effected positive change in the lives of over 27,000 patients and over 70,000 family members.

We are here to help you through this difficult time. It takes courage to seek treatment, and we are committed to helping you through this process.

With extensive training and over 30 years of experience, Kansas Drug Rehabilitation maintains a high standard of excellence in the clinical treatment programs that we offer for men and women, aged 18 and older, who are struggling with addiction concerns, depression, eating disorders, trauma, and chronic pain. By utilizing a multidisciplinary approach, we help you learn how to successfully manage symptoms, overcome challenges, and develop the skills needed to manage your disease and return to your family, friends, and a productive lifestyle.

Please call us today to speak with a knowledgeable staff member who can answer any questions you may have, guide you in the direction that will be most beneficial in meeting your needs, and assist you in getting started on the road towards overall wellness. Your new journey will soon begin.

Call Us Today! 855.396.1913

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